When limited to just 'what I can carry' while moving it's tricky to choose what stuff to bring. Some things are necessary and just have to go in the bag, some things are necessary for making one feel at home, but not essential for existence and has to get a lower prio. Some things are just too loved to be left. Clothes, makeup, boring paper and shoes are of course essential, as well as knitting needles, crochet hooks, yarn, patterns, buttons, ribbons, gauge ruler, scissors, pearls, sewing thread and needles...the list goes on...
We now have an empty shelf in the living room where my stuff should've been if there had been space in my suitcases to bring them. Hopefully the postman will have a package to deliver to me soon so I can feel at home.
Meanwhile I have knitting to do, podcasts to listen at, a park to wander around in and a city to enjoy. And of course A doing his best to make me feel at home :)
Part of the stash that needs some sorting |
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